News articles
Mü-Company of Kanti Frauenfeld in the national final
Frauenfelder Woche 3 June 2020
Frauenfelder Woche reports on June 3, 2020 about the YES company program and our position in the competition.

Mü-Company of Kanti Frauenfeld in the national final
Frauenfelder Woche 3 June 2020
Frauenfelder Woche reports on June 3, 2020 about the YES company program and our position in the competition.

Frauenfeld Students make it to the final with their sweet temptation
Tagblatt Ostschweiz 28 May 2020
The Tagblatt informs about the upcoming national final of the YES company program and the effects of the Corona crisis.
to the article

Mü-Company enters the national final
Frauenfelder Nachrichten May 26, 2020
The Frauenfelder Nachrichten describe the YES company programme and its goals. It also provides information about the success story of our company.

Frauenfelder Schoggi-Start-Up is a Mü better than the competition
Tagblatt Ostschweiz 25. March 2020
The Tagblatt reports on the success of our company at the Regional Trade Fair in Mels and on our nomination as the best company in Eastern Switzerland

Start-up of Kanti Frauenfeld awarded as best mini-company in Eastern Switzerland
Frauenfelder Nachrichten 25. March 2020
Frauenfelder Nachrichten praises and presents our company and our successes at the regional trade fair in Mels and our successful nomination as "best mini-company in Eastern Switzerland".